Old Garden & Species Roses
Often referred to as antique, heritage, or heirloom roses, Old Garden Roses are defined as those which have been in existence prior to 1867. They have double-flower blooms with strong traditional "rose" scents. Unlike the Modern roses which can bloom multiple times, most Old Garden and Species roses will have one annual bloom, typically in the spring.
Below are our favorite selections of Old Garden and Species roses which are known to thrive in Sonoma County.
Download PDF list of all recommended roses here.
For pruning and care questions, please contact your local Consulting Rosarian.

Alba Semi-plena "White Rose of York"
Also known as: 'Alba Semi-plena', 'White Rose of York', 'Bonnie Prince Charlie's Rose', 'La Rose d'York'
Classification: Old Garden/Alba
Color: White
Introduced: pre 1754
Fragrance: Strong fragrance, old rose
ARS Rating: 8.9

Also known as: 'Best Garden Rose'
Classification: Old Garden Roses/China
Bloom: Spring Bloomer
Color: Medium pink
Introduced: 1940
Fragrance: Strong fragrance, old rose
ARS Rating: 8.2

Hibiscus mutabilis "Confederate Rose"
Known as: Confederate Rose, Dixie rosemallow, Cotton Rose
Classification: Old Garden Rose/Hybrid China
Bloom: Repeat Bloomer
Color: Pink blend
Introduced: 1894
Fragrance: Slight fragrance
ARS Rating: 8.8

La Belle Sultane
Also known as: 'La Belle Sultane', 'Aigle Rouge', 'Maheca', 'Violacea'
Classification: Old Garden Rose/Gallica
Bloom: Spring Bloomer
Color: Dark red
Introduced: pre-1795
Fragrance: Strong fragrance
ARS Rating: 8.4

Madame Hardy
Also known as: 'Mme. Hardy', 'Madame Hardy', 'Félicité Hardy'
Classification: Old Garden Rose/Damask
Bloom: Spring Bloomer
Color: White
Introduced: 1832
Fragrance: Strong fragrance
ARS Rating: 8.7
Note: The American Rose Society gives Félicité Hardy/Madame Hardy a rating of “outstanding.” Rated top one percent (1%) of cultivars.

Mme. Alfred Carrière
Also known as: 'Mme. Alfred Carrière', 'Madame Alfred Carrière'
Classification: Old Garden Rose/Noisette
Bloom: Repeat Bloomer
Color: White, pearl pink
Introduced: 1879
Fragrance: Mild to strong fragrance
ARS Rating: 8.8

R. Banksiae Lutea
Also known as: 'Rose Banksiae Lutea', 'Lady Banks' Rose', 'Banks' Rose'
Classification: Species
Bloom: Spring Bloomer
Color: Light Yellow
Introduced: 1824
Fragrance: Not fragrant
ARS Rating: 9.2
Note: Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit

R. rugosa alba
Classification: Species
Color: White
Introduced: 1784
Fragrance: Slight fragrance
ARS Rating: 9.1

Rose de Rescht
Classification: Old Garden Rose/ Portland
Bloom: Repeat Bloomer
Color: Deep pink, crimson
Introduced: 1880
Fragrance: Strong fragrance
ARS Rating: 8.7

Souvenier de la Malmaison
Also known as: 'Souvenier de la Malmaison', 'Queen of Beauty and Fragrance'
Classification: Old Garden Rose/Bourbon
Bloom: Repeat Bloomer
Color: Pale pink, blush
Introduced: 1843
Fragrance: Strong fragrance, tea-rose
ARS Rating: 8.6